The electoral formation between the virtual and the face-to-face

La formación electoral entre lo virtual y lo presencial

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Diego Alonso Ovalle Bernal Economista – Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Especialista en Derechos Humanos – Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (ESAP). Delegado del señor Registrador Nacional en el departamento del Casanare

Constitutionally the Colombian electoral process has developed in two instances, these are known as ordinary and the new or atypical elections, additionally the promotion and protection of the right to democratic participation, as established by the new Law 1757 of July 6, 2015, which It seeks that the citizens have constitutional tools that allow them to access the mechanisms of citizen participation, these known as the Referendum, Legislative and Regulatory Initiative, Plebiscite, Popular Consultations, Constituent Assembly and Open Town Hall. The great advances in the field of communications, multimedia platforms, interactive learning methods and with the changes that materialize as the new face-to-face tools, will involve dynamic training processes, in relation to their actions and requirements, which each actor of the electoral process must know, in relation to its characterization. Therefore, the relevance of cross-training or cross-cutting addressed to all actors leads us to raise the hypothesis between virtual and face-to-face, shared benefits, inherent risks of each option, and the incorporation of technological tools for management of information, tools for good performance in the different activities where the digital society of the 21st century deserves it. Sufragantes, capacitación, virtual, presencial, transversal, módulo, mito, reto, interfaces, educación, capacitación, psicolo- gía cognitiva, plataformas, neologismo.


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