Abstention and participation in Mexican federal elections 2009-2018
Abstención y participación en las elecciones nacionales en México 2009-2018
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This paper exposes the results on a cross-sectional statistical analysis of the characteristics of abstention and vote in four federal elections in Mexico during the period comprising the years 2009 to 2018. It is based on the premise that abstention, such as participation, is complementary political performance that makes it possible to draw a basic profile of the political culture of the population and the efficiency of political institutions, as much is possible to have profiles about population structure of the population participating and abstaining. The text sets out the characteristics of participation and abstention in accordance with sex, life cycle, and generation. The statistical information addressed comes from the contested election participation census (CCPE) that performs the Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE), electoral authority in Mexico. The authors also perform the concurrence of electoral performance with political competition, based on the vote count from electoral districts (CCDD) that also make the INE, so that they highlight more sensitive aspects with other variables, as such there is the possibility of approaching these records with other sources of information.
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