The National Policy for Social Participation in the face of the current scenario of Brazilian democracy
A Política Nacional de Participação Social em face do cenário atual da democracia brasileira
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This article, a research product on a deductive methodology, with consultation in national and international works and documents, intends to approach the National Politics of Social Participation in Brazil, given the current situation of the Brazilian Democratic State of Law. In order to do so, a brief analysis of the concepts of citizen democracy and decision-making autonomy will be done first, and then directly cross-check the Brazilian Presidential Decree 8.243 / 2014 and the struggle of certain social sectors for the approval of the National Policy of Social Participation. Finally, the conclusion reached is that the Federal Constitution of 1988, the most important instrument in force in the Brazilian State, is in the sense of proposals for active action by society on state political programs, which, on the other hand, must be compatible with the universality of human fundamental rights.
Article Details
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