Towards a policy of research and coaching for democracy in Colombia
Hacia una política de investigación y capacitación para la democracia en Colombia
Main Article Content
The main objective of this article is to describe the Policy for the Promotion of Democracy that is led by the National Civil Registry of Colombia, whose purpose is to strengthen the Social, Democratic, Multicultural and Environmental State of Law. Which has a constitutional legal framework, based on the functions and missions that are of the National Registry of Civil of Colombia. For instance, is relevant to have an approach over the significant work that is carried out by the Center for Studies in Democracy and Electoral Affairs – CEDAE. Which is a working group created in 2007 as a think tank or research institute on civic and democratic values, contributes to the strengthening of the missionary processes of the National Civil Registry of Colombia, whose purpose addresses the training and investigative processes that are implemented towards participatory democracy through the promotion of democratic values, principles, and practices. Likewise, the lines of action that are intended to be deployed will be presented, as well as the purposes the entity has, using them as key instruments for the creation of strategies that guarantee the optimal implementation of the Policy for the Promotion of Democracy of the National Civil Registry of Colombia. Finally, some of the strategies that are developed will be mentioned, to achieve the strategic objectives of the National Civil Registry of Colombia, and that are proposed through lines of action established by the Center for Studies in Democracy and Electoral Affairs.
Article Details
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