Emotions and communication: an analytical approach to political participation in the plebiscite for peace

Emociones y comunicación: una aproximación analítica a la participación política en el plebiscito por la paz

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Oscar Iván Londoño Pardo Centro de Estudios en Democracia y Asuntos Electorales – CEDAE

This article raises the possibility of integrating emotions from campaign communication into the equation to explain the phenomenon of political participation during the plebiscite for peace, understood as a complex and multi- causal process. Anger, aversion and hatred, being emotions that promote political participation to a greater extent, favored the vote for “No” thanks to their centrality in the communication strategy of their promoters. The anxiety, fear and mistrust associated with uncertainty, which were promoted in the speeches of the “Yes” and “No” campaigns can contribute to the explanation of abstention. On the other hand, confidence and enthusiasm were present in the messages addressed to voters in favor of “Yes”, with a lesser capacity to mobilize in the face of some emotions of negative valence.



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